

Monday, 2 December 2013

Beautiful old books

A small library near where I work is closing down and giving away their collection of children's books. After visiting it twice last Monday ( and collecting a box of books for the preschool where I work, as well as a pile for myself) I lay awake that night worrying about the books as I had been told that the remaining ones were going to be pulped. I thought about how I could justify going back to save some more - and I thought of friends who would appreciate the beauty of these books from the 1950's, 60's and 70's and even earlier.

Old books feel so full of history and as I hold them I wonder about other readers and the different lives they lead years ago. Children's books from the past tell us so much about how childhood, and our beliefs about this time of life have changed, and also remained the same.
So I went back for another visit the next day  - there were less books on the shelf, lots of them already packed away in boxes, and I hope that others had been saved by people like me who couldn't bear to think of them being destroyed. (I found out later that many had gone to other collections - thank goodness!)
I found some Enid Blyton books for a writer friend, a Maurice Sendak that I had never seen before, a copy of Goodnight Moon that reminds me of my inspiring children's literature lecturer, and beautifully illustrated picture books for my teaching and my artistic friends and my daughter - who I know will use them for inspiration as she draws. 

Trixie - Published in 1978
I was excited when I found a pile of Trixie Belden books and I resisted taking the whole lot, keeping only two. One for me and one for my best school friend - to remind us of the many happy hours spent in the last years of primary school absorbed in Trixie's exciting world.

So now I have a box full of books waiting for me to tie them into little piles with lovely ribbon to give to my friends, and somehow I will manage to find a little bit of space on a bookshelf for the ones that I couldn't bear to let go of. I know that they will be good cup of tea company!

I think this quote from Laura Ingalls Wilder is appropriate:

“As you read my stories of long ago I hope you will remember that the things that are truly worthwhile and that will give you happiness are the same now as they were then. Courage and kindness, loyalty, truth, and helpfulness are always the same and always needed.”

Cinderella - 1972

Published in 1951
A story about 3 boys who work hard to save money
 to buy their mother some red shoes for her birthday.

"Goodnight stars   Goodnight air  Goodnight noises everywhere"



1 comment:

  1. lovely and emotive post Vanna, you are so lucky to have found such treasures. and I think the treasures are so lucky to have found you too.


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