

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Time to start writing again.

It's been far too long since I've written a post for my little blog, and in the last week or so I've seen 2 friends who have reminded me to write - to just do it! So here I am writing and already it feels good.

I'm not totally sure what stopped me writing, however I do think it has a little to do with my mind being preoccupied with a bit of anxiety. My anxiety is low level and pretty straightforward - it is directly related to my health and is a result of having had breast cancer not only once - but twice! Throw some genetic disposition into the mix and worrying about the pain in my foot - is it foot cancer??? seems hardly surprising.

However, even though I'm very good at rationalising my anxiety, I'm not always so effective at dealing with it. I let it creep up on me and then I realise that a large amount of my mental energy is being spent worrying about things that haven't happened and that may happen - although most times these are incredibly unlikely to happen. As well as being unpleasant, what I dislike most about this is the space these thoughts take up in my mind. I have realised that when I'm anxious I have less space to be creative. My mind becomes full of not only the anxious thoughts, but also the thoughts that I use to try to resist and deal with the worries. Lots of not so helpful self-talk included. I become distracted - not fully present. And less inclined to take risks, to make things, to try something new.

The flip side of this is that as soon as I do something creative - such as writing which is my preferred creative outlet, my anxiety starts to fade away. It's like when you really don't want to exercise but you drag yourself out - and of course end up loving it and feeling fantastic afterwards. (Walking is also great for my headspace, as is mediating which I don't do nearly enough).

So I guess the moral of my story is that it's time to start writing again. We all know that prevention is better than the cure and now that my head is in a good place I should give myself some gentle help to keep it that way.

Vanna xxx

Walking with my beautiful dog Mali is great for my mental health too.
 And so is drinking tea of course!

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