

Friday, 16 October 2015

Climbing in the city.

I spent a lot of my time at work today watching the children climb our two lovely maple trees. They have grown to just the right height for 3, 4 and 5 year old legs and arms to reach and explore.

I am so impressed with the children's ability to manoeuvre their way around the tree as they climb.  Some children  seem to work it out one move at a time - reaching for a branch with one hand, placing a foot in just the right place to balance, and then pulling themselves up or swinging back down to the ground. Some children talk as they climb - planning their next  move, or calling out to friends. Others move swiftly and quietly - in seconds they are up in the tree, leaning comfortably onto the branches, trusting the tree for support. 'I'm going to stay here all day" said one of the girls to me.

For a few children climbing is a real challenge, but they persist. Other more accomplished climbers offer help - a hand to hold, or suggestions such as:  "Put your foot there", "Pull up now!", or the less helpful "My muscles are stronger than this branch!". I am nearby and happy to provide a push up, although I'm more often needed when it's time to get down. I love the sense of pride and excitement when a child climbs up into the tree by themselves for the first time.

I love that I work in an environment where children are encouraged to take safe risks. Where climbing a tree in the city is part of the everyday, and where we trust that children inherently know their abilities - their limits, and more importantly their wondrous and enormous potential.

1 comment:

  1. The children at your work at lucky too.......they have caring adults, who understand that taking calculated risks helps the to develop resilience and self help skills


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