

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Fabric memories

It's been a bit quiet at tea and contemplation lately - things are busy in other parts of my life so my energy is elsewhere just for the moment. I am however drinking large amounts of tea (what would I do without it!) and hope to have more time for blogging and writing soon.

In the meantime I've had another little story published in The Planthunter online magazine. Yay!
It's about my childhood once again - as I've said before, I really enjoy writing about my memories of this time. The theme for this month on the Planthunter is fabric, which reminded me of the fun I had with my Mum as we collected plants to use to make dye to colour the wool she had spun.

The story is called Adventures with sour sobs and lichen . Have a look if you like - I wonder what sorts of creative adventures you had as a child?

Staying with the fabric theme - this is a beautiful crochet blanket that my Oma hand made and which I now proudly own. Another special memory of her and her many talents.

Vanna xxx

1 comment:

  1. great story Vanna, your writing is really evocative


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