

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Happy new Year ...again!

I was unsure about whether to write about my Dad, however thought that it would feel weird to keep blogging without mentioning something so significant.

I found this quote a while ago and each time I read it I feel peaceful and calm ...and it feels very relevant to me at the moment...

In difficult moments
remember that everything passes.
Sit quietly inside your home.
Spring will come again.

Loy Ching Yuen (1873-1960)

So life goes on ... and I've decided that for a fresh start to 2014 I'm going to celebrate Chinese New Year this year (31st Jan) and hopefully bring myself some good luck by following a few of the customs that are part of this important celebration.

After talking to my friend Sarina about the new year traditions she follows, and reading a little about Chinese New Year I have decided to:

* Give my house a good clean before new year

* Buy something new to wear on New years eve to symbolise a fresh beginning - preferably red as it is the colour of good luck.

* Have a special family dinner on New Year's Eve - 30th Jan. Give everyone some lucky new year candy.

* Give my children red lucky money envelopes with some money inside to symbolise prosperity and good luck.


* Spend some time quietly sending wishes for a peaceful, happy and healthy year for all people and beings and for the world.

May your Year of the Horse be filled with peace, happiness and wellbeing.

Vanna xxx

Decluttering update! Although I've missed a few days of throwing out one thing, the fact that on quite a few days I've moved more than one means I'm still on track. 
The other day I bought a shirt for $1 at a garage sale - when I tried it on at home it really didn't suit me so it went straight into the Vinnies bag. I think it might be cheating to call that my one thing decluttered for that day!


Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Saying goodbye

My dear Dad passed away last week after a long illness. I am so sad and have cried many tears. I also have many happy memories and now feel a sense of release to be able to focus on them, rather than the worry and sadness of the last few years.

My Dad was a writer and he would have loved to know that I was blogging and sharing my thoughts. We shared the urge to write and to try to make sense of life and the world through words. Dad's memory and influence will live on in many ways, including here at tea and contemplation. 

Dad loved to share a cup of tea - this is one of his favourite cups. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

A week of resolution

It's already a week into the new year and I have been busily and happily decluttering. Being on holiday has given me the time to clear out a few cupboards and I have had no trouble finding at least (and usually more than) one thing a day to throw out or give away.

I thought that every now and then I would photograph what I have decluttered just to see how much stuff I have let go of. This first week is pretty impressive!

As you can see I cleaned out my bathroom cupboard, found some old swimming gear that was way too small and tidied my linen cupboard. I have real trouble letting go of books - however I feel better when I give them to someone or alternatively I often put a couple of books out on the footpath in front of my house and within hours they are gone. I like to think that by doing this I am sharing my love of books and reading, and maybe made someone happy with an unexpected find. A few people do this in the area I live, and I'm always excited if I find a book to take home while I'm out walking the dog.
I'm also getting in the habit of checking at the end of the day that I have found something to throw/give away, and I'm hoping that it becomes a habit that will make a real difference. I think it's also making me more aware of what I buy or bring into my home. If my focus is to declutter, then I also need to be mindful of not adding unnecessarily to what I already have.
I am also pleased to report that I haven't brought any bottled water. As expected this hasn't been too difficult, however it has motivated me to take water with me to certain places, such as when we have gone to the pool.
It's only a week, but its been a good start to the year!
Vanna xxx